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Looking Back: Men’s Gathering 2019

April 5-7, 2019 @ Lakeview Villages

13501 W Lake Road, Seymour, IN 47274

Main Speaker

Jeffrey Hemmer

Jeffrey Hemmer is the husband of (in his opinion) the most wonderful woman in the world, father of the six most delightful children he’s ever met, pastor of Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church in Fairview Heights, Illinois, and author of the book Man Up. He’s also a wannabe farmer, maker of some things, fixer of other things, beard grower, and general curmudgeon. His big truck is probably a sign of his insecurity.

Retreat Topic

Man Up!

A call to “man up” apart from a real example of manliness is bound to fail. Before I exhort you to man up, I want to exhort you to look at the Man on the cross.

To be masculine is to have this mind of Christ Jesus. It is to acknowledge your power and your prowess and to see these as gifts to be employed in the service of others.

Join us as Pastor Jeffrey Hemmer leads us into a consideration of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus and how, in these, we are shown a perfect way of living as men in our everyday lives.

Get a jump start on this year’s gathering by purchasing your copy of the book at CPH or Amazon.

Special Sessions & Activities

In addition to the keynote sessions, we have many other sessions of which you may take advantage. You will have opportunity to sign up for these optional small group sessions during check in on Friday night.

If you choose to not participate in these sessions, you can spend this time relaxing in God’s creation. We have attempted to build this retreat schedule so that everyone can get what they need out of their time at camp. We desire that you do what you need to do in order to be refreshed and brought closer to God.

After the Gathering

In 2019, we gathered nearly 130! Many thanks to all the men who gathered and contributed to making this year’s gathering such an enjoyable and edifying experience. We look forward to seeing you next year!

In the meantime, we have a few things to keep you engaged. Pastor Hemmer, at this year’s event exhorted us to Man Up! He left us with the following resources for keeping us on task.

Additionally, we have launched The Round Table. If you have ever been a participant at a men’s gathering, we encourage you to create an account and keep connected with the community throughout the year.

See you in 2020!